Driver: San Francisco to be release in September

Driver: San Francisco to be release in September


Driver: San Francisco is an forthcoming action driving video game 
developed by Ubisoft Reflections.It is planned for release in
North America on September 6, 2011 and in Europe on
September 2, 2011 on on Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows,
PlayStation 3,Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS and the OnLive system.


Split screen and online multiplayer will also be available for the 
first time in the series with nine different game modes.

The game will also consist of over 120 fully damageable licensed 
vehicles ranging from buggies, muscle cars and sport cars including 
Alfa Romeo, Aston Martin, Ruf Automobile, Dodge, Ford, Shelby, 
Volkswagen, Pagani, DeLorean and Lamborghini.

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